Welcome to the Race to Rejection

Rejections suck! They truly do! And it doesn’t matter how we dress it up, tell ourselves ‘it’s a part of the process’, tell ourselves, ‘at least, we’re putting our work out there,’ tell ourselves, ‘it’s not personal,’ they still SUCK!

Someone is taking a part of your creative work, a part of your emotional growth, a part of your very being and saying, “no thank you; we don’t want that that.” Rejection hurts so much it can be paralyzing, preventing you from continuing to create and put your work out there.

But the Semi-Sages of the Pages are here to help with the Race to Rejection! Using the link below, log your rejections. We’ll provide monthly updates on our YouTube channel, and offer prizes for the winner each month. Then, at the end of the year, whoever gets the most rejections. gets a $50 gift card to bookstore.org.

But there’s more! You earn a TITLE!

Introducing the Race to Rejection Nobility!

Citizen (1-4 Rejections)

Reaching the very first submissions (or rejections) is a big deal. Everyone starts somewhere!

Squire (5-9 Rejections)

Demonstrates commitment: you’re no longer brand-new at this.

Knight (10-14 Rejections)

A strong, consistent effort in getting work out there.

Baron/Baroness (15-19 Rejections)

 You’re building momentum and establishing a presence in the slush piles.

Viscount/Viscountess (20-24 Rejections)

 You’re stepping up the pace, showing you’re serious about acquiring rejections (and hopefully eventual acceptances!).

Count/Contess (25-29 Rejections)

 Plenty of editorial rejections under your belt, and still forging ahead.

Marquis / Marchioness (30-34)

You’re standing at the frontier of your writing journey, well-seasoned in the submission process.

Duke/Duchess (35-39 Rejections)

Your perseverance is clear: no fear of the dreaded “no thanks” letter.

Prince/Princess (40-44 Rejections)

You can practically give seminars on how to handle rejection by now!

King/Queen (45-49 Rejections)

Achieving rare territory. This is an epic milestone not many reach.

Emperor/Empress (50+ Rejections)

 You are unstoppable. Surpassing 50 submissions is a truly imperial achievement!