Conventions are so much fun! Unless they’re not…

No Bad Books Press and the Semi-Sages of the Pages adore attending book and geek conventions! We love meeting new people, chatting with readers and authors, and of course…selling books!

But having a table at convention is not for everyone, for a variety of reasons. Maybe you can’t travel in, the cost of the table is too high (we see you LA Festival of Books!) or maybe the idea of carrying in books, setting up your table, talking to people nonstop and then carrying out books is just too much.

And that’s okay—even though we’ve done dozens of conventions, it’s still really hard for this group too. Ask Theresa about the time she cried at LA Festival of Books.

But we can help! If you’re interested in having your books on the table at conventions, read on.

What we’re offering:

  • Your books on the tables/shelves at conventions such as San Diego’s Comic-Con and LA Festival of Books

  • Your marketing materials on the table

  • Our sales crew pitching YOUR books to interested sellers. We would do an interview in advance to get your elevator pitch so we can properly pitch your books.

Option 1: Annual subscription for $150 + 20% commission on sales

  • This gets your book at ALL conventions we’re at including LA Festival of Books, Comic-Con, WonderCon, farmers markets and everything in-between. Go to this page to see where No Bad Books has had tables at.

Interested? Click here to fill out a form so one of our owners can be in touch with you and answer any questions you may have.

Option 2: Pay per convention + 20% commission on sales

  • $25 per convention (includes Wondercon, North Park Book Festival, Emerald City, farmer’s markets and other events)

  • $50 per convention (for Comic-Con and LA Festival of Books)

Interested? Click here to fill out a form so one of our owners can be in touch with you and answer any questions you may have.


Do you accept every author that applies?

No. Book covers, book blurbs and the books themselves must look professional and it must be something our sales crew is interested in selling. Additionally, we’ve learned that some books compete with each other. We want to make sure there’s a wide range of books on the table so we can cater to our customer’s requests.

Will my books be at every convention?

We may curate books depending on the convention. For example, Jedi Jokes for Kids may not sell at a convention that’s for spicy book lovers. This would be a discussion with the author before any decision is made though with a possible discount if the author has purchased the annual package.

Why do you charge commission as well as a table fee?

A commission ensures our sales team is working to sell YOUR books and your books are not just sitting on the table.

Do you offer refunds for the table fee?

If for some reason, we’re unable to attend the event, or the event is canceled, yes we would.

If my books don’t sell, can I get refund of my table fee?

Probably not, but if NO books sell, we’ll discuss this with the author to pinpoint what happened.

Can I work the table?

This would be on a case-by-case basis, but generally no. We want our sales team to be focused on selling ALL books, not just theirs. But we do enjoy texting authors if they’re at the event to let them know someone has bought several of their books or would like an autograph.

Can I sign the books?

Of course you can sign the books in advance! We’d recommend that as it can lead to more sales! But if you would like an autograph session, we could work something out on a case-by-case basis, depending on the event and the event rules.

If you have more questions, please send an email to or head to our Contact Us page.