Author Resources

  • Join our Conventions!

    Do you want your books at a convention No Bad Books is attending such as LA Book Festival, Wondercon or Comic-Con? We have options for you!

  • Editing, Formatting and More!

    Are you looking for developmental editing, line-by-line editing, formatting or even your whole book ready to be published? We can help!

  • Semi-Sages of the Pages YouTube

    Watch helpful videos about writing, editing and more, including first-page critiques and immersive videos.

  • Help us Build a Positive Author Community on Discord!

    Come chat with the Semi-Sages of the Pages and the rest of our author community, while you join the Race to the Rejection, where we celebrate rejections because it means you’re submitting your work. We also offer sprints. This is a supportive group of writers available for questions, beta-reads or just fun pictures of our pets.

  • How to be a Successful Author & Not Lose your Mind

    Learn tips and tricks to help you be a successful author, in whatever way that means to you.

  • Write with the Sages!

    Every Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:30 PM {PST}, You can write with the Semi-Sages. Get some work done with protected writing time, soothing music and immersive videos!