Student Summer Series - Sophia Valladolid

Continuing our student summer series, this is the second student from Sarah’s class we are highlighting to promote the next generation of writers. This is an original poem by Sophia Valladolid submitted for this blog, entitled Despair. At the time of writing this piece, Sophia was in eighth grade.

Despair by Sophia Valladolid

A feeling of despair consumes her,

a feeling she does not yet understand.

It spreads further and further before she is able to control it,

intensifying as it lies within her.

The harrowing memory replays in the back of her mind, 

fighting to transpire.

She wants to blame them but she can’t.

She can’t admit it because deep down, 

behind her smile and calm disposition,

she knows if she admits it,

she wont be able to bear it.


the feeling of knowing it’s all her fault.

A feeling she is now familiar with, 

a feeling she now understands.

What a powerful poem! Here’s to Sophia and her first published piece! Be sure to follow us to see the last segment in our Student Summer Series!


Student Summer Series - Regina Ochoa


Student Summer Series - Kaytia Price